Vire 6 juin 1944-2019
Vire après les bombardements du 6 juin 1944 – Notre-Dame et place Nationale
Le 6 juin 2019, loin des côtes normandes et du 75eme officiel :
Vire - 6 juin 2019 - hommage aux victimes civiles du 6 juin 1944
Discours de Serge Couesnon, Maire-adjoint
- Vire (Normandie)
jeudi 6 juin, 20 h square de la Résistance
cérémonie en hommage aux victimes des bombardements du 6 juin 1944
( environ 400 Virois ont été tués lors de plusieurs bombardements,
le premier a eu lieu vers 20 heures).
Liste des victimes civiles (Olivier Quéruel)
Vire - Cote 203 - samedi 8 juin, 14h30 :
Hommage aux soldats américains de la 29e tombés pour la Libération de Vire le 8 août 1944
Liste des soldats (108 tués et 4 disparus)
Leonard Jindra, 98 ans, vétéran du 2e bataillon du 115e RI de la 29e Division américaine
au milieu des soldats basés à Wiesbaden.
« Leonard Ladislas Jindra
served in the U.S Army’s 115th Infantry Regiment, 29th Infantry Division in the European Theater and he traveled to Washington D.C. with HFLI this past May 14 to see his memorial. The reunion event was for the veterans to be recognized one more time and to receive their personalized photo book from their trip.
Mr. Jindra landed on Omaha Beach on D-Day and saw action in St. Lo and Brest, among other places during his service. He was wounded three times but was only awarded two Purple Hearts. Mr. Jindra explained the story of the non-Purple Heart; he was rounding the corner of a building of an unsecured town when a German soldier bayonetted him. Another soldier from the 115th I.R. quickly dispatched the German before he could finish off Mr. Jindra. Mr. Jindra’s Lieutenant witnessed the encounter and planned to submit the necessary paperwork for Jindra’s third Purple Heart. Before the paperwork could be done, the young Lieutenant was killed. Mr. Jindra is also the recipient of the French Legion of Honor Medal.
Mr. Jindra’s son wrote a book about his father’s service titled American Hero, published last year by Infinity Publishing. The back cover of the book reads, “Ladislav Jindra’s dream of America was fulfilled, several years before the Nazis invaded his Czechoslovakia. War began; he was rejected for enlistment, worked extra jobs to afford surgery, to change his status to A-1. On D-Day, June 6th,, 1944, he stormed Omaha beach; advanced 56 days through France; experienced battlefield horrors; was ambushed, captured, then escaped; suffered three serious injuries; volunteered to spy behind enemy lines »
avec Lawrence Franklin Jindra, son fils, American Opthalmic surgeon
Vire, la cérémonie en 2014
photos de l’hommage en 2004