The Modern & Contemporary France
The Modern & Contemporary France
is the journal of the Association for the Study of Modern & Contemporary France (ASMCF)
2017-4 The 2017 French Presidential and Parliamentary
2017-3 Charlie Hbedo - FN & laïcité - rapping
2017-2 60 years of France and Europe.
2017-1 From the banlieu to the burkini
2016-4 Penser la violence en France au XXIe
2016-3 Rwanda - race as republican critique after 2005
2016-2 Anarchists and anarchisms in France since 1945
2016-1 Dabitch's Immigrants - L'Amour est dans le pré
2015-4 Toutes ensemble? Femmes et société
2015-3 Déstalinisation - 1907 - 2011 Indignés - Guyane - Colette
2015-2 Media, Memory and Nostalgia in Contemporary France
2015-1 Galadio (Daeninck) - Lanzmann-Haenel - SOS Racims &colonialism
2014-4 Hollande presidency
2014-3 FN & BNP - Mauss - Daniel Guérin
2014-2 Qu'est-ce qu'une génération ?
2014-1 France and the Middle East
2013-4 Paris banlieues 1958-68 - Flaubert, feminity ans free-fall stardom
2013-3 Vichy - chômeurs
2013-2 Maghrebi-French Sexualities
2013-1 2012 presidential election - loi parité - Jules Verne