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17 septembre 2015

Holbein, Erasme de Rotterdam








NG Londres





Portraits d'Erasme par Holbein le Jeune
, d'après le Web Gallery of Art

Commons :üngere#Erasmus

Erasmus of Rotterdam :
Holbein the Younger :

Erasme :
Holbein :


- Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam Writing, 1523
Kunstmuseum, Öffentliche Kunstsammlung, Basel
Paper mounted on pine, 36,8 x 30,5 cm  - « In Holbein's portrait, the 54-year-old Erasmus is shown wearing not a monk's cowl but the black robes of a scholar: in 1517 Pope Leo X had granted him the special privilege of not wearing monastic garments ».

- Erasme, 1523
Louvre -
Oil on wood, 43 x 33 cm - « The painting shows Erasmus writing the first lines of his "Comments on the Gospel of St Luke" dated 1523.

WGA : The lines are not legible on this painting but it is legible on another smaller version of the portrait in the museum of Basel. The tapestry indicates that this is an interior »

« Previously, scholars had been portrayed in book-lined studies. Holbein's treatment is more intimate; Erasmus was usually posed in a more formal three-quarter view. Such portraits were often exchanged by humanists as tokens of mutual esteem »

Louvre : « On connaît trois portraits d'Érasme peints par Holbein dont les destinataires restent encore incertains.
On pense que la version bâloise a été peinte et emportée par le peintre à la cour de François Ier afin de s'attirer, en vain, sa protection.
Érasme envoya lui-même deux autres portraits en Angleterre à des connaissances. Le portrait qui se trouve actuellement à la National Gallery de Londres était sans doute un présent à l'archevêque de Canterbury William Warham, correspondant et bienfaiteur d'Érasme.
Quant à l'œuvre du Louvre, on peut supposer qu'Érasme la destinait à un autre humaniste, peut-être son fidèle ami Thomas More (hypothèse séduisante mais non prouvée). Le célèbre auteur de L'Utopie allait d'ailleurs devenir, sur la recommandation d'Érasme, le protecteur d'Holbein et introduire le peintre à la cour d'Angleterre ».

- Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam, 1523
National Gallery, London
Wood, 76 x 51 cm -
« Of Holbein's portraits of Erasmus, this is the most ostentatious, and not just because it is much larger. The background of the interior is furnished with a splendidly decorated pilaster and a shelf with books and a glass carafe, all of which help to ennoble the sitter. On the edge of the book reclining on the shelf is a Latin couplet composed by Erasmus » ' : « I am Johannes (i.e. Hans) Holbein, whom it is easier to denigrate than to emulate ».'

- Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam, 1530
Galleria Nazionale, Parma
Oil on wood, 33 x 25 cm
This portrait is a later, simplified version of that in the National Gallery, London. The majority of the critics accept it as authentic

- Albrecht Dürer, Erasmus of Rotterdam, 1526
Engraving, 249 x 193 mm
National Gallery of Art, Washington

- Quentin Metsys, Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam, 1517
Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Antica, Rome
Oil on panel, transferred to canvas, 59 x 47 cm
«  The portrait was completed on the ninth of September 1517, and the diptych was sent as a gift to Thomas More ».  « Erasmus is shown, intently at work, translating the epistle of St Paul to the Romans. The second half of the diptych, with the portrait of Pierre Gillis, is now in the collection of Lord Radnor at Longford Castle (Salisbury). Replicas of the portrait of Erasmus can be found at the Rijskmuseum in Amsterdam and at Hampton Court (England), while the Royal Museum in Antwerp possesses a replica of the portrait of Pierre Gillis ».


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