Women in Carto : Emma Willard
25. Emma Willard, author - Map No. 1. The World as Known to the Ancients - 1827
Women in Cartography - Osher Maps 2015 Exhibition
III. Women and Pedagogy
Map No. 1. The World as Known to the Ancients.
So Arranged as to Show by the Characters & Colours Used during Which of the Six Epocha's into Which Ancient Time is Divided, Each Century Become Known.
Entered according to act of Congress 5th. Day of September 1827 by Oliver D. Cooke & Co. of the State of Connecticut.
In William C. Woodbridge and Emma Willard, Ancient Atlas, to Accompany the Universal Geography (Hartford: Belknap and Hamersley, 1827)
Hand-colored copper engraving, 29 x 44
Emma Willard was a respected pioneer in women's education in the U. S. In 1821 she founded the first academy for girls, the Troy Female Seminary, or Emma Willard School. Graduates from Troy went on to found women's colleges across America, offering ever more formal and professionally related curricula as the world of work became more open to women. She wrote many works that all appeared in multiple editions, such as Universal Geography, Geography for Beginners, Abridged History of the United States, and Astronography; or Astronomical Geography.
Cartes d'Emma Willard reproduites sur le site de David Rumsey
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