National Curriculum in England
National Curriculum in England
La nouvelle mouture voulue par Michael Gove, le Chatel local, est soumise à consultation jusqu'en avril, pour application en septembre 2014.
Le projet de currriculum au format pdf :
Plusieurs points de vue à lire dans le Guardian :
en géo, Chris Hamnet évoque de rumeurs de mise en option,
en histoire, David Priestland s'inquiète du repli ultra-nationaliste et des dangers de chauvinisme.
"a lesson on the empress dowager and the fate of imperial China is worth 10 lessons on Nelson and Wolfe"
La discussion sur le forum Schoolhistory :
et sur SLN Geo :
ICT, la consultation a eu lieu au début 2012
extraits :
Géo KS3 page 165 :
The National Curriculum for geography aims to ensure that all pupils :
[...] . understand how human and physical processes interact to have an impact on and form distinctive landscapes
. build on their knowledge of globes, maps and atlases and use these geographical tools routinely in the classroom and in the field
. interpret Ordnance Survey maps in the classroom and the field, including using six-figure coordinates and scale, topographical and other thematic mapping, and aerial and satellite photographs
. use Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to view, analyse and interpret places and data
. use fieldwork to collect, analyse and draw conclusions from geographical data, using multiple sources of increasingly complex information.
History KS3, pages 170-172
Pupils should be taught about:
The development of the modern nation
. Britain and her Empire, including:
. Wolfe and the conquest of Canada
. Clive of India
. competition with France and the Jacobite rebellion
. the American Revolution
. the Enlightenment in England,
including Francis Bacon, John Locke, Christopher Wren, Isaac Newton, the Royal Society, Adam Smith and the impact of European thinkers
. the struggle for power in Europe, including:
. the French Revolution and the Rights of Man
. the Napoleonic Wars, Nelson, Wellington and Pitt
. the Congress of Vienna
. the struggle for power in Britain, including:
. the Six Acts and Peterloo through to Catholic Emancipation
. the slave trade and the abolition of slavery, the role of Olaudah Equiano and free slaves
. the Great Reform Act and the Chartists
. the High Victorian era, including:
. Gladstone and Disraeli
. the Second and Third Reform Acts
. the battle for Home Rule
. Chamberlain and Salisbury
. the development of a modern economy, including:
. iron, coal and steam
. the growth of the railways
. great innovators such as Watt, Stephenson and Brunel
. the abolition of the Corn Laws
. the growth and industrialisation of cities
. the Factory Acts
. the Great Exhibition and global trade
. social conditions
. the Tolpuddle Martyrs and the birth of trade unionism
. Britain's global impact in the 19th century, including:
. war in the Crimea and the Eastern Question
. gunboat diplomacy and the growth of Empire
. the Indian Mutiny and the Great Game
. the scramble for Africa
. the Boer Wars
. Britain's social and cultural development during the Victorian era, including:
. the changing role of women, including figures such as Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole, George Eliot and Annie Besant
. the impact of mass literacy and the Elementary Education Act.
The twentieth century
. Britain transformed, including:
. the Rowntree Report and the birth of the modern welfare state
. ‘Peers versus the People’
. Home Rule for Ireland
. the suffragette movement and women's emancipation
. the First World War, including:
. causes such as colonial rivalry, naval expansion and European alliances
. key events
. conscription
. trench warfare
. Lloyd George's coalition
. the Russian Revolution
. The Armistice
. the peace of Versailles
. the 1920s and 1930s, including:
. the first Labour Government
. universal suffrage
. the Great Depression
. the abdication of Edward VIII and constitutional crisis
. the Second World War, including:
. causes such as appeasement, the failure of the League of Nations and the rise of the Dictators
. the global reach of the war – from Arctic Convoys to the Pacific Campaign
. the roles of Churchill, Roosevelt and Stalin
. Nazi atrocities in occupied Europe and the unique evil of the Holocaust
. Britain’s retreat from Empire, including:
. independence for India and the Wind of Change in Africa
. the independence generation – Gandhi, Nehru, Jinnah, Kenyatta, Nkrumah
. the Cold War and the impact of Communism on Europe
. the Attlee Government and the growth of the welfare state
. the Windrush generation, wider new Commonwealth immigration, and the arrival of East African Asians
. society and social reform,
... including the abolition of capital punishment, the legalisation of abortion and homosexuality, and the Race Relations Act
. economic change and crisis, the end of the post-war consensus, and governments up to and including the election of Margaret Thatcher
. Britain’s relations with Europe, the Commonwealth, and the wider world
. the end of the Cold War and the fall of the Berlin Wall.