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24 janvier 2010

La géo en péril en Italie ?

La réforme italienne du secondaire semble mettre en péril la géographie
La Repubblica 21/01/20110

un appel en ligne

source : Giuliano Bellezza et Yves Boquet

Dear Friends,
The text below is diffused by the Italian Association of Geography Teachers (AIIG): it will be presented to the Berlusconi Government, and we are now trying to receive signatures of foreign geographers. That is why I have been asked to diffuse this call internationally. Today I already got the backing of the IGU and many of the first group of Geographers which I took (quite randomly) in my list. The project was to be approved tomorrow by the Coucil of Ministers, but in this moment our beloved Prime Minister is interested by his personal justice problems, so he has no time to pay attention to things like instruction and culture. Therefore we have some more time, and I am writing you.
It is only necessary that you write me <> a mail supporting our petition, with signature and position. I'll take care to make a list of foreign subscribers for the AIIG.
Many thanks for your help,
Giuliano Bellezza

The Italian Parliament will soon vote the new curricula for high schools and technical and professionals schools, and we have been informed that geography as a subject is destined to be heavily penalised if not, in some curricula, to entirely disappear.
Doing geography at school means educating citizens of Italy and the world to be aware, independent, critical and responsible, to know how to live their lives within their environment, and how to change it in a creative and sustainable way, with an eye to the future.
We the undersigned believe that to deprive ourselves of the knowledge systems supplied by geography, in a society that is increasingly globalised and complex, means depriving students of knowledge’s that are absolutely essential if they are to face the challenges of the world.

L'Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia (AIIG) lancia un appello all'intera società civile, affinché la Geografia, già presente in modo assai limitato nell'insegnamento medio e superiore, non venga ulteriormente penalizzata dalla riforma in corso e dalla predisposizione, che sta avvenendo in questi giorni, dei relativi regolamenti attuativi.
Condividendo in pieno questa istanza, vi chiediamo di sottoscrivere il presente appello
I docenti del Dipartimento di Geografia dell'Università di Padova
Padova, 20 gennaio 2010


Fare geografia a scuola vuol dire formare cittadini italiani e del mondo consapevoli, autonomi, responsabili e critici, che sappiano convivere con il loro ambiente e sappiano modificarlo in modo creativo e sostenibile, guardando al futuro.
Nei nuovi curricoli dei licei e degli istituti tecnici e professionali in via di definizione la geografia scompare del tutto o è fortemente penalizzata.
I sottoscrittori di questo documento ritengono che privarsi degli strumenti di conoscenza propri della geografia, in una società sempre più globalizzata e quindi complessa, significa privare gli studenti di saperi assolutamente irrinunciabili per affrontare le sfide del mondo contemporaneo.

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